
Baked By Beri is a teen owned cupcake business in Honolulu, Hawaii. Over the summer of 2021 Beri and her team of 10 opened a pop-up shop at Ala Moana. It has since closed, however, Beri has returned to baking from home and cupcakes are still available on Cupcake Days. Please see below for more information. 


Cupcake Days

Cupcake Days are offered every 2-3 weeks. On Cupcake Days, a set box of 6 cupcakes is available for pickup at Beri’s house. Cupcake boxes must be preordered through text or email. Cupcake Day announcements are posted to Instagram (@bakedbyberi) and sent to our mailing list. If you would like to join the mailing list please fill out the form on our “Contact” page.